EM SC 240N
Energy and Sustainability in Contemporary Culture

Course Orientation



I am very happy that you have decided to join us this semester. Before we begin our semester of study together, it is important that you review all of the material in the Orientation and on our course Syllabus. These two resources will prepare you to be successful in this course and will make the journey over this semester significantly easier for you.

What is due for the Orientation?

Optimally, you should complete the Orientation before the first week of class, so you are prepared. This will also give you a jumpstart on the rest of the material. It will be extremely helpful for you to get this done prior to the semester because it will give you a time buffer for future lessons. You never know when you will hit a snag in future weeks.

The following is an overview of the activities that must be completed for the Orientation. Detailed directions and submission instructions are located on the page containing the assignment within this orientation.

Please see the course calendar for Orientation Activities due dates. Late work will receive no credit except under the conditions listed in the Syllabus.

Orientation Tasks
Tasks Page of Orientation
Personalize your Canvas profile. Canvas Activities
Set your Canvas notification preferences. Canvas Activities
(Optional) Download the Canvas App. Canvas Activities
Send the instructor an email through Canvas. Canvas Activities
Subscribe to the "HAVE A QUESTION" discussion forum in Canvas. Canvas Activities
Take the Orientation Quiz - You must get a 100% on this to open up the rest of the course content. Canvas Activities
Introduce yourself. Canvas Activities

(Note: You may want to print this page to serve as a checklist as you go along.)

Have you looked at the syllabus yet?

This Orientation complements and expands on the information provided on the syllabus. If you haven't read it, be sure to review that document carefully! You will be tested on syllabus content in the Orientation Quiz.


If you have any questions that you think may benefit other students in the class, please post them to the “HAVE A QUESTION” discussion board. I will check the discussion board frequently (usually every day) and will respond in a timely manner. You are welcome to help answer questions from other students as well. Please use this as your first option, unless the question is something you don't want to share with other students.

If you would prefer that the question is anonymous to the other students, please send it to me by email. I will check at least once each workday to respond. If your question is one that is relevant to the entire class, I may respond to the entire class rather than individually, but you will remain anonymous to the other students.

What is next?

Once you are ready, click the arrow on the bottom right and work all the way to the end of the list.