Activity | Details |
Assignment |
Scenario 1Assume you are designing a system with the same module counts on the rooftop as shown in the video shown below. The Module used is Trina Solar Allmax 60 cell multicrystaline. You may choose the SOLARMOUNT rail based options that can serve the purpose from Unirac (a racking manufacturer). You have standard 12” spaced rafters for a residential roof. Video: How Solar Works SSI (0:58)How Solar Works SSI
Click for text description of How Solar Works
As shown in the video, a solar array can be installed on a rooftop for residential application. After all mechanical holding structures are installed on the roof, the solar panels can be fastened to it . When the sun shines on PV panels, photons are converted into electrons that form electrical current when it moves towards the circuit terminals . The electrical DC current then travels through conduits down towards a power conditioning unit (AKA inverter) . The current is converted to AC electrical current and travels through an AC disconnect box . When the AC current exits the disconnect box, it goes through a PV production meter to count energy generated . After that, the current is back fed to the lower side of the Main distribution panel (MDP), where all load circuits are connected, through a protection breaker . When the PV array is generating power, the load circuits draw power from the PV array instead of the grid . While the PV array is generating power, the monitoring device is transmitting the data to an online portfolio, where clients can see their instantaneous PV array performance online . Finally, the excess energy generated from the PV array is returned to the utility grid . Credit: Sam Fortune
Scenario 2Assuming the roof is flat, the installation to flat roof with ballasted system from Unirac, taking the average cement weight of 32 lb. and considering the following:
DeliverablePrepare a report that includes your findings for each of the scenarios. The report should be no more than one double-spaced page in a 12 point font. |
Submission Instructions and Grading | Please visit the Lesson Activity page for submission instructions and grading information. |