Planets, Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe

Getting to Know You


Now that you've had a chance to learn about the course and the online learning environment, I'd like to get to know you...and help you get to know each other! Complete the activities below, then continue with the remainder of the Course Orientation.


What you need to do...

  1. Introduce yourself and meet the rest of the class!
    We will use a discussion forum in Canvas to post, and read, self-introductions. To access the discussion forum:
    • go to Canvas
    • Click on the "Modules" item in the menu on the left if you are not already there
    • click on the link to the "Course Orientation - Personal Introductions" discussion forum;
    • post a new message containing your personal introduction that is posted in Canvas
    • view other students' postings to learn more about them.
  2. Complete the "Initial Course Survey" 
    This survey contains questions about you and your expectations for this course. You will not be graded on your answers.  However, participating in this survey is does count towards your discussion forum grade. To access the Initial Course Survey:
    • go to Canvas
    • Click on the "Modules" item in the menu on the left if you are not already there
    • click on the link to the "Course Orientation - Initial Course Survey" and complete the survey.