BA 850
Sustainability Driven Innovation

Text Version of Ethnicity by Gender Table

Ethnicity by Gender
Ethnicity Males Males % Females Females % Total Total %
White 2733 71.43% 496 72.09% 3229 71.5%
Black/African American 573 14.98% 118 17.15% 691 15.30%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 5 0.13% 1 0.15% 6 0.10%
Asian 42 1.10% 14 2.03% 56 1.20%
American Indian or Alaskan 30 0.78% 5 0.73% 35 0.80%
Hispanic or Latino 422 11.03% 52 7.56% 474 10.50%
Two or More Races 21 0.55% 2 0.29% 25 0.50%
Grand Total 3826 84.80% 688 15.20% 4514  

Note: Includes United States, active employees, regular employees on a leave of absence.