Ethical Dimensions of Renewable Energy and Sustainability Systems

Part 3 - Methane Migration


Part 3 - Methane Migration

To do first

  • Read these articles:
    • "Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopic Evidence (5)"
    • "Methane Contamination of Drinking Water (6)"
    • "Methane in Pennsylvania water wells unrelated (7)"
    • "Hydraulic Fracturing not Responsible (8)"
  • Challenge: Find a well near you on FracFocus!
Gas well
Figure 6.3: Abandoned gas well
Credit: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)

These articles provide significant insight into the risks concerning methane migration into groundwater from hydraulic fracturing, focusing mainly on the Marcellus Shale region. Like the articles from the prevision section, you will see some common findings emerge in these three readings that pose some concern and elicit recommendations from the authors. Pay attention to these findings.

Significant Principles

  • A different set of risks are posed by methane than by wastewater itself. Be able to distinguish between these risks.
  • There appear to be two sides to the argument around methane. Pay attention to the main reasons for disagreement.
  • There are some important differences here between methods used in various articles. Why would a difference in methods lead to different interpretations of outcomes?

Potential ethical questions for consideration

  1. What risks are posed by potential methane release into groundwater?
  2. What do you think the response to these risks ought to be?
  3. Who ought to be mitigating (fixing) these risks?
  4. What are the main differences between uncertainty with methane release versus uncertainty with wastewater?
  5. Which perspective on methane release is more correct?
  6. Which article would you be most willing to base a decision on? Why?
  7. How does the selection of methods make a difference in the evidence you might have?