Experiment 3: Changing CO2


Experiment 3: Changing CO2

Let’s see what happens when we change the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Data for Summative Assessment
Practice Graded
Albedo 0.3 0.30
CO2 Mult 0.5 2.0
Solar Mult 1.0 1.0
Initial T 15°C 15°C
Ocean Depth 100 50

First, try to predict what will happen. How much warming or cooling will occur? Will the temperature level off, or rise/fall forever? Then run the model.


8. You’ve changed the atmospheric CO2 concentration from its original value of 380 ppm by multiplying it by a specified value (table above). What is the resulting atmospheric CO2 concentration in your model?

New CO2 concentration =

9. What is the resulting temperature change at the end (50 yrs)? (±0.1 °C)

Change in temperature =

11. Notice that the temperature levels off at the end — it finds a new steady state. How long does it take to level off? Let’s find the response time, which is defined as the time required to accomplish 2/3 of the total temperature change. For example, if the temperature change was 1°C and it started at 15°, then we would find the time when the temperature reached 15.67°C — this would be the response time.

Find the response time for this case. (±.5 yrs)

Response Time =