Capstone Project: Stage 2 Instructions
In Module 1, you downloaded the CVAT Coastal City Audit PowerPoint file. You will use this file to build your final Capstone Project. In this module, you will work on Capstone Stage 2.
- Complete Stage 2 of the CVAT Coastal City Audit PowerPoint: Physical System Assessment: Setting and Coastal Hazards (Blue Section).
- Submit your CVAT Coastal City Audit PowerPoint, with this section completed, to Capstone Project Stage 2 (Physical System Assessment: Setting and Coastal Hazards), by the due date. Please employ the following naming convention: Last Name_First Name Stage2.pptx
- After you have submitted Capstone Stage 2 and have received feedback from your instructor, make the necessary edits in your PowerPoint. You will need to be vigilant about updating the PowerPoint as you work through the course. Remember that this will be part of your end-of-semester project.
We post a couple of examples below to help you get going. We stress that there are no correct answers, and these examples are just for guidance, to help you with questions about the amount of detail we expect in various components of the Capstone project. Every city is different, and there may be more information in one area or another for a specific city. For example, there is often more information, particularly in the engineering and policy areas, for U.S., European, and some Asian cities than there is for some cities in Africa. Again, please use these examples for guidance, along with the detailed directions for each stage, and let us know if you have any questions.
Capstone Project Stage 2 Example: San Francisco
Click on the expansion arrows at the bottom right of the slide show to view full-size images.
Capstone Project Stage 2 Example: Shenzhen, China
Click on the expansion arrows at the bottom right of the slide show to view full-size images.