Coastal Processes, Hazards, and Society

Summary and Final Tasks


Summary and Final Tasks


We hope you have learned more about how storms form and the forces that control their movement. And why they can be so difficult to forecast. In addition, we hope you understand the elements of storms that cause damage in addition to wind: massive amounts of rain and storm surge. You'll be learning about some incredible storms and the damage they caused in the next module. We hope from now on, you'll stay tuned in the summer months to the National Hurricane Center.

They also have a great free app you can access on your phone through the App Store.

Reminder - Complete all of the Module 5 tasks!

You have reached the end of Module 5! Double-check the Module 5 Roadmap to make sure you have completed all of the activities listed there before you begin Module 6.

References and Further Reading

The following links are meant to provide suggestions for further investigation into some of the topics covered in Module 5 (some of these are from the module).