Module 13 Lab: Discussion
For this Guided Discussion, you will revisit a documentary video introduced in Module 13 and respond to a discussion prompt that addresses key questions regarding sea level rise adaptation planning on the North Carolina coast. You will also be required to comment on a classmate’s post.
To begin, review Effects of Rising Sea Level on Coastal North Carolina - "Sea Change" (21:53 minutes). This WRAL documentary covers the issues faced by the Outer Banks beach communities of Nags Head and Rodanthe and communities to the east on the mainland in Hyde County, NC, including Swan Quarter, where low-elevation agricultural land (1-2 ft above sea level) experiences frequent storm surge flooding and saltwater intrusion.
Guided Discussion Prompt
After reviewing the WRAL documentary, write a response to the following prompt:
Using the points of view of at least two of the people who appear in the video, construct a future scenario for one of the communities featured in which sea level rise adaptation measures are used. Reference sea level rise projections for 2050 and 2100 in your scenario. You should incorporate structural and non-structural adaptation measures mentioned in the video and other measures you have read about that seem appropriate for the geographic location and situation. Your scenario should be based on the evidence presented in the video and other sources. Please cite your sources (see rubric).
- Use Word or another text editor to respond to the prompt with your scenario, backed by the content of the video. The length of your response should be about 200 to 400 words. (Typing your response in Word or another text editor and then copying/pasting from Word or similar to the discussion forum is recommended to avoid losing your work midstream in the event of an accidental browser closing, intermittent Internet connectivity, etc.)
- Go to Module 13 Lab (Discussion) and type or copy/paste your response to the prompt into the text box marked 'reply', then select Post Reply by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday to allow time for responses. Your response is now visible to your classmates and your instructor.
- Read through others’ responses and write a thoughtful reply to at least one other student by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday. These replies should be either a rebuttal in which you add your ideas in the form of a persuasive argument (written with respect for the originating author), or a response that agrees with, supports, and builds upon the original response. Because a timely response to the conversation is part of your grade, subscribing to the forum is required. Check in to the discussion forum often throughout the week to post and respond to comments.
The grading rubric will help you understand what constitutes an appropriate level of participation on your part. The instructor reserves the right to not award any credit (including points for timing and interaction) if the content of the posts, however on-time they may be, are off-topic, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate. Such posts may be deleted at any time by the instructor as well.
Content | Addresses all facets of the assigned discussion prompt, with accurate supporting detail where necessary. Response post is at least 200-400 words of substantive content addressing the prompt. Posts are appropriately cited as needed. To earn full credit in this category, your comments and replies to classmates must demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the topic and go well beyond, "I agree with you." | 6 Points |
Formatting and Mechanics | Posts should be edited and cited appropriately as needed. While a discussion forum has an informal tone, please refrain from foul or offensive language, texting abbreviations, etc. | 2 points |
Timing | This assignment is deliberately structured to allow you to participate throughout the week. Your initial response to the statement should be shared by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday and your response to at least one other classmate by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday to allow for authentic discussion to occur. | 2 points |