Plate Tectonics and People

About Canvas

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Penn State uses an online course management system to deliver most of its online courses to registered students. Even though the course content for Earth 520 is open, registered students need a secure way to submit assignments, receive grades, and read copyrighted papers from the library. That's why I have to use a separate interface for the parts of the course to which only registered students have access.

How our course space in Canvas is organized

When you first logged in to our course space in Canvas, you landed on a home page that included a link to the main course content (here). When you want to turn something in or participate in a discussion, click the "Modules" link and you will be on a page in which all the deliverables for this course are organized by Lesson in same order that they are on this webpage. (I call them "Lessons" but Canvas calls them "Modules" , tomato, tomahto.)

You can continue to access the main course content by following the link from Canvas, or you can always get to the course content directly via this link (bookmark it!): EARTH 520: Plate Tectonics and People

Need help with Canvas?

Here are several resources that can help answer common questions and support your use of Canvas throughout this course:

How can I get technical help as a student?
Contact the IT Service Desk

How can I learn more about using Canvas as a student?
Find answers to common questions in the Canvas Student Guide

Where can I see how Canvas compares to ANGEL? (If you never used PSU's old system, ANGEL, you should just ignore this)
View an ANGEL to Canvas Terminology Chart