Go to earthquake.usgs.gov Click the settings icon, which looks like a bike sprocket in the upper right corner of the page. On the new partial page that appears click the button to Search Earthquake Archives Enter 2008-06-08 as the start date Enter 2008-06-09 as the end date Don’t change anything else. Scroll down and click Search There’s your earthquake. Click the circle on the map where your earthquake is located. Now a link appears in the bottom left corner of the page that says M 6.4 - southern Greece. Click that link. Answer these: 1.What was the location of this earthquake: (lat, lon, depth) 2.Click the ShakeMap button and/or the DYFI (Did You Feel It?) button and answer: About how far was this earthquake from Delphi? What was the estimated intensity of ground shaking that was felt at Delphi from this earthquake? See Figure 1 in the de Boer et al. Geology paper for a map showing the location of Delphi. 3. Calculate the energy released by this event.