EGEE 102
Energy Conservation for Environmental Protection

Rules for Rounding Off Numbers


Rule 1: Determine what your rounding digit is and look at the digit to the right of it (highlighted digit).If the highlighted digit is 1, 2, 3, 4 simply drop all digits to the right of rounding digit.
3.423 may be rounded off to 3.42 when rounded off to the nearest hundredths place.
3.423 may be rounded off to 3.4 when rounded off to the nearest tenths place
3.423 may be rounded off to 3 when rounded off to the nearest units place.

Rule 2: Determine what your rounding digit is and look at the digit to the right of it (highlighted digit).If the highlighted digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 add one to the rounding digit and drop all digits to the right of rounding digit.
2.786 may be rounded off to 2.79 when rounded off to the nearest hundredths place.
2.786 may be rounded off to 2.8 when rounded off to the nearest tenths place.
2.786 may be rounded off to 3 when rounded off to the nearest units place.
2.856 may be rounded off to 2.9 when rounded off to the nearest tenths place.

Exception to Rule 2: When the first digit dropped is 5 and there are no digits following or the digits following are zeros, make the preceding digit even (i.e., round off to the nearest even digit).
 2.315 and 2.325 are both 2.32 when rounded off to the nearest hundredths place.

Examples and tips regarding the EGEE 102 Home Activities:

a.    Avoid rounding off small whole numbers


•    Preferably do not round 34 to 30, or 12 to 10 because the margin of error is high for small whole numbers.

b.    While rounding small numbers involving decimals don’t round off before the nearest hundredths place.


•    45.67844 should be rounded off preferably to 45.68 or 45.678 or 45.6784 and not to 45.7 or 46 to avoid errors.

•    This tip need not be used for numbers >100 because the error involved is small.

c.    2.984 may be rounded off to 3 if the rounding is done either to the nearest units or tenths.