Effects of Acid Rain on Fish, Shellfish, and Insects

Different types of plants and animals have a different pH tolerance range. Check out the following animals and the pH levels they can tolerate and then answer the questions.

Trout - Acid tolerance of up to pH 5.0

Bass - Acid tolerance of up to pH 5.5

Perch - Acid tolerance of up to pH 4.5

Frogs - Acid tolerance of up to pH 4.0

Salamander - Acid tolerance of up to pH 5.0

Clams - Acid tolerance of up to pH 6.0

Crayfish - Acid tolerance of up to pH 5.5

Snails - Acid tolerance of up to pH 6.0

Mayfly - Acid tolerance of up to pH 5.5


  1. Which fish/insect/shellfish can tolerate the most acid?
    1. Trout
    2. Bass
    3. Frogs
    4. Crayfish
    5. Snails
  2. Which can tolerate the least amount of acid?
    1. Perch
    2. Mayfly
    3. Frogs
    4. Crayfish
    5. Snails


1) C: Frogs

2) E: Snails