EGEE 299/EMSC 299
Foreign Studies

Journal Entry Guidance


You are expected to complete 6 unique journal entries for EGEE 299/EMSC 299. By carefully considering the journal prompts provided and addressing each one thoughtfully, you will be guided through an inquiry-based process that will deepen your experience and provide you with a thorough narrative of your time abroad.  

While the journal can include a record of your daily activities, your primary focus should be on the learning you’re experiencing throughout the trip. You are expected to write about your academic learning and your personal growth in every journal entry.  

Journal Content


Don’t be mislead by the use of the term “journal.” The journaling assignments are to be well-written pieces of academic work. Be sure to thoroughly address all assignment prompts provided as well as consider the overarching themes of the course and experience.   

There is no min/max word count recommendation for the journal entries; however, all journal entries should clearly and thoroughly communicate and elaborate upon experiences, demonstrate the connections between knowledge and experiences, and provide examples. If you're keeping a public blog, it is strongly suggeted that you include images or other multi-media to make the blog visually appealing.

The questions provided should be addressed in your paragraph-form responses. The reader should be able to understand the prompts you're addressing without you repeating the prompt itself; provide context. 


There is a rubric outlining journal entry expectations available for you to review.

Note: You will receive feedback on your first journal entry, utilize that feedback to make sure the remaining journal entries meet expectations.

Blogging: Publicly Sharing Your Experience

If you are posting your journal entries publicaly, you can use whatever platform you choose.

Please include visual and/or multi-media elements in each blog post to make it visually appealing for readers.

Why a blog?

The blog format will provide an artifact you can share with potential employers. It is also a place to showcase your writing. It's also a great way for your family and friends to follow along or learn about your journey.

Due Dates

You are required to submit Journal entry #1 before you leave. The notes for journal entries #2-#4 must be written while traveling with TGP. The full journal entries can be completed upon returning from spring break. Journal entry #8 will be completed after you’ve returned and have had a chance to reacclimate and process your experience. Due dates are provided in the course calendar.


As mentioned, each day has a unique set of journal prompts. Review them the night before or each morning before you leave for the day.

Plan for 15-30 minutes of time/day to think through and address the journal prompts provided. This could be on the bus to/from site visits, in the evenings after your group work has concluded, or in the mornings before you leave for the day!

Journal Focus Areas

General Reflection

Discuss what you encountered each day that was new/different/notable.

Academic Learning 

You can choose a topic that you learned about today - it can be a topic related to the activities of the day, or related to the capstone project you're working on. As you consider a topic, use the following questions to help you choose well:

  • What have you seen or heard about so far that piques your interest? - Tell me about it! Why is it interesting to you?
  • What questions do you have about the things you have seen or heard so far? - What are the questions? Did you ask someone or do any research on it?
  • What would you like to learn more about? After the trip, is there something you learned about today that you'd like to research more? If so, what?

You may be asked to build on this topic in subsequent journal entries, so choose carefully! 

Growth Areas

The Penn State Student Engagement Network has identified five areas in which students should demonstrate growth as a result of out-of-the classroom experiences (i.e., study abroad, internship, club activities, etc). The five Growth Areas are summarized on the Student Engagement Network Competencies (Growth Areas) page. You will be asked to discuss one growth area per entry and examine how they relate to your experience and represent your personal growth.