EGEE 439
Alternative Fuels from Biomass Sources

10.2 Ethanol Production and Economics

10.2 Ethanol Production and Economics

The major feedstock for ethanol has been coarse grains (i.e., corn). Second-generation ethanol (from cellulosic biomass) is around ~7% of the total ethanol production. The figure below shows the global ethanol production by feedstock from 2007-2019.

graph of Global ethanol production by feedstock from 2007-2019 as described in the text
Global ethanol production by feedstock from 2007-2019.
Click here for a text alternative to the figure.

Global Ethanol Production in billions of liters by Feedstock from 2007-2019. All values are visual approximations
Year Coarse Grains Wheat Sugar Cane Molasses Sugar Beet Biomass-based (2nd Generation) Roots and Tuber Other Feed Stocks Total
2007-2009 37 1 27 3 2 - - 5 75
2010 50 2 30 2 3 - - 6 93
2011 54 3 32 4 2 - - 5 100
2012 56 4 35 4 2 - - 6 107
2013 59 5 38 3 2 1 1 6 115
2014 61 6 43 3 2 2 1 6 124
2015 64 5 45 4 2 3 1 7 131
2016 65 6 47 5 2 4 1 7 143
2017 65 6 52 4 3 5 1 7 153
2018 66 6 53 4 3 8 1 8 149
2019 61 6 59 3 2 13 1 8 159

In 2013, world ethanol production came primarily from the US (corn), Brazil (sugarcane), and Europe (sugar beets, wheat). The figure below shows ethanol production contributions, in millions of gallons, from all over the world. In addition to Brazil, ethanol production from sugarcane is also being done in Australia, Columbia, India, Peru, Cuba, Ethiopia, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe. In the US, ethanol from corn accounts for ~97% of the total ethanol production in the US.

Millions of gallons: US- 13300, Brazil-6267, Europe-1371, China-696, India-545, Canada-523, Rest-727
World ethanol production, millions of gallons, from various countries for 2013.
Click here for a text description of the figure.

World Ethanol Production
Country Millions of Gallons of Ethanol
US 13300
Brazil 6267
Europe 1371
China 696
India 545
Canada asdf
523 asdf
Rest of the World 727
Credit: RFA

The table below shows a comparison of costs for first-generation ethanol feedstock along with their production costs. The data in this table is from 2006, but it gives you an idea of why ethanol is made from corn in the US: because it is less expensive and more profitable. However, as seen in the other charts, the use of sugar-based materials like sugarcane and sugar beets is growing, as well as the use of cellulosic materials.

Summary of 2006 Estimated Ethanol Production Costs in the U.S. ($/gal)a
Cost Item Feedstock Costsb Processing Costs Total Costs
US Corn wet milling 0.40 0.63 1.03
US Corn dry milling 0.53 0.52 1.05
US Sugarcane 1.48 0.92 2.40
US Sugar beets 1.58 0.77 2.35
US Molassesc 0.91 0.36 1.27
US Raw Sugarc 3.12 0.36 3.48
US Refined Sugarc 3.61 0.36 3.97
Brazil Sugarcaned 0.30 0.51 0.81
EU Sugar Beetsd 0.97 1.92 2.89

a Excludes capital costs

b Feedstock costs for US corn wet and dry milling are net feedstock costs; feedstock for US sugarcane and sugar beets are gross feedstock costs

c Excludes transportation costs

d Average of published estimates


The figure below shows the overall process of making ethanol from corn. It also shows the additional products made from corn. If you recall from Lesson 7, DDGS is a grain that can be used to feed cattle. Corn oil is also produced for use. Typical yields of each product per bushel of corn are shown (2.8 gal of ethanol, 17 lbs. of CO2, and 17 lbs. of DDGS).

Product distribution of corn, see text description in link below

Product distribution of corn.
Click for a text description of the figure.
  • Corn
    • Starch – 73% db
      • Ethanol--0.57 g/g (th)

        • (0.511 g/g glucose)

        • 2.8 gal/bu

        • 3.0 gal/bu (th)

      • CO2—0.54 g/g (th)

        • ~17lbs/bu

        • 18.9 lb/bu (th)

      • Yeast

    • Protein, fiber, oil – 27% db

      • DDGS

        • ~17lbs/bu

Credit: BEEMS Module B5

So, what are the ethanol revenue streams? The figure below shows that the revenue streams are ethanol, DDGS, and CO2. The revenue streams are market-driven; ethanol is the plant’s most valuable product and typically generates 80% of the total revenue. The DDGS represents 15-20% of the revenue, and CO2 represents a small amount of revenue. The revenue margins are tight, however, and the sale of DDGS and CO2 is probably essential for the plant to be profitable.

see long description
Ethanol revenue streams. The numbers at the top of each bar are the revenue $ per bushel of corn. The values with the “@” are the values of how each product is sold.
Click for a text description of the figure.
Ethanol Revenue Streams
Product Revenue $ per bushel of corn Value ($) of how each product is sold
Ethanol 4.05 1.50/gal
Ethanol 5.40 2.00/gal
Ethanol 6.75 /gal
DDGS 0.51 60/ton
DDGS 1.02 120/ton
DDGS 1.53 180/ton
CO2 0.07 8/ton
Credit: BEEMS Module B5

The figure below shows the volatility of the price of corn, the price of ethanol, and the price of gasoline. Notice the price of gasoline and the price of ethanol are highly correlated, at least since 2009. For example, in 2010, the price of gasoline and the price of ethanol were ~$2.00 per gal. However, in recent months, with the price of oil going down significantly, expect that the profitability of ethanol will be less.

Chart of corn, ethanol, and gasoline prices from 2005-2011 as described in the text
Chart of corn, ethanol, and gasoline prices from 2005-2011.
Credit: USDA ERS

The major cost of producing ethanol from corn is the cost of the feedstock itself. The figure below shows the cost of feedstock is 55% of the expenses for the production of ethanol from corn, while energy is 21%, materials are 11%, and maintenance and personnel are 13%. If a bushel of corn sells for $4/bu or more, then the percentage for the feedstock price goes to 65-75% of the expenses.

Dry grind ethanol case expenses ($/gal) for 2005 as described in the text above
Dry grind ethanol case expenses ($/gal) for 2005.

Another issue with the production of ethanol is that water is used, and water is becoming less available. Water is used for gasoline production as well, but water use is a little higher for ethanol production (for gasoline, 2.5 gallons of water per gallon of gasoline is used, while for ethanol it is 3 gallons of water per gallon of ethanol). The extra water use is due to growing the plants for harvest.