EME 805
Renewable Energy and Non-Market Enterprise

Project Preparation and Rubric


Project Preparation and Rubric

Final Project Case Study, accounting for 35% of your grade (35 pts)

READ THESE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY: Your final project - the development of a nonmarket analysis of a specific renewable energy scenario you would find most useful for your intended goals. If you are currently at a job or are working towards a specific area of renewables, you are strongly encouraged to develop a work-related project.  Will require you to conduct research (primarily via the Portal and Penn State Libraries extensive collection of online resources), perform tasks and prepare reports that demonstrate your ability to apply concepts discussed in the course texts.

The case study you will turn in will consist of the following pieces. The necessary completed templates for your project topic, about seven. (All templates, basically worksheets that you fill out, are first encountered and used within the weekly assignments, so there should be no surprises here.) An ~2500 word (8-10 page) analytical paper synthesizing the data gathered from the templates and your Online Renewable Energy Portfolio. Case studies are prepared as word processing documents (e.g., Microsoft Word) and uploaded to the instructor via Canvas "drop boxes." Detailed individual critiques and itemized scores will be provided in response to every student report.

Depending on your previous experience and comfort level with a systems mode of analysis, often requiring thinking across multiple disciplinary spaces and “lateral thinking,” you will find projects to be moderately to highly challenging. The key to success is to pace yourself, pay close attention to the assignments throughout the course, as they will be your key to applying methods in your case study. And, please take the necessary time to write at a professional level. Two to three weeks are provided to complete your final project case study.  Due dates appear under the Calendar tab in Canvas.

We expect your project reports to be original. You may build upon ideas, words, and illustrations produced by others, but you must paraphrase, cite, and reference such sources. Reports that contain unacknowledged contributions by others are considered to be plagiarized.  We use the plagiarism detection service Turnitin.com to evaluate the originality of students' work. Detailed guidelines about how to prepare an original report are included in the "Academic Integrity Guide" that appears in the Resources section of the course text.