EM SC 240N
Energy and Sustainability in Contemporary Culture

Lesson 4: Energy In-Depth



Hopefully, by this point, you have a reasonably good grasp of overarching and specific topics within sustainability. Please keep in mind that all of these concepts are intertwined and overlapped. What can I say? The real world is a messy, complicated place. But, hopefully, you will keep these in mind as you move forward in this class and in your life. These will pop up in the readings, book, and other materials in this course, and I hope that you will recognize the terms and concepts as you encounter them. Feel free to look back at these lessons if you need a refresher.

In this lesson, you will take a relatively deep dive into various sources of energy, including the fossil fuels, nuclear, and renewables. These were all introduced in Lesson 1; but in this lesson, we will look at these sources through the lens of sustainability. Specifically, we will investigate how much of each source is probably left (supply), how feasible continued use of the source is (feasibility), and some (not all, mind you!) sustainability implications of each source.

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • analyze current supply and feasibility of a variety of energy sources;
  • differentiate between various projections of remaining energy supply and the impacts of technology and price considerations on them;
  • describe the trends in U.S. electric power production with regards to fuel use and carbon dioxide emissions;
  • describe the complexity of predicting oil supply and prices; and
  • describe and analyze sustainability implications of contemporary energy use.

What is due this lesson?

Please note that the quiz can only be taken once. You have unlimited time to complete it prior to the deadline, and can save your progress and pick up where you left off at a later time. See the Assignments and Grading section of the syllabus for tips on how to do this. Once you submit the quiz, you cannot change answers. All saved answers will automatically be submitted at the deadline if you have not submitted them.

Requirement Submission Location
Lesson 4 Quiz Canvas - Modules tab > Lesson 4
Continue posting to the Yellowdig discussion board. Canvas - Modules tab > Lesson 4
(Optional) Lesson 4 Extra credit quiz Canvas - Modules tab > Lesson 4


If you have any general course questions, please post them to our HAVE A QUESTION? discussion forum. I will check that discussion forum regularly to respond as appropriate. While you are there, feel free to post your own responses and comments if you are able to help out a classmate. If you have a question but would like to remain anonymous to the other students, email me..

If you have something related to the material that you'd like to share, feel free to post to the Coffee Shop forum, also under the Discussions tab.