Food and the Future Environment

Summative Assessment: Climate Change Predictions in your Capstone Region


Summative Assessment: Climate Change Predictions in your Capstone Region


The summative assessment for Module 9 involves exploring the predictions of future climate variables from climate models for the US, then considering the possible impacts of increased temperature on your capstone region. Also, you will propose strategies to increase the resilience of the food systems in your capstone region to increasing temperatures.

The summative assessment for this module has two parts:

  1. Exploration of the National Climate Change Viewer - view national predicted change in climate variables for the US
  2. Data collection and interpretation from the National Climate Change Viewer for your capstone region

The second part requires that you work on the data collection for Stage 3 of the capstone project. Your grade for the module summative assessment will be based on your answers to the questions in the worksheet, which you will answer using the data you download and organize for the capstone.

For the capstone project, you will need to consider the resilience and vulnerabilities of the food systems in your assigned region to projected increases in temperatures. Your task now is to determine what are the temperature increases projected in your assigned region as a result of human-induced climate change. Also, you'll need to start thinking about what impacts those changes may have on the food system in your region. You'll use the National Climate Change Viewer (NCCV) to explore predicted changes in climate variables for the US and to investigate the projected changes in minimum and maximum monthly temperatures in your assigned region.


Download the worksheet linked on the next page.

Submitting Your Assignment

Type your answers in essay format into the provided worksheet. If you can, highlight your answers. Submit your document to Module 9 Summative Assessment in Canvas.

Grading Information and Rubric

Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following rubric. The maximum grade for the assignment is 35 points. Pay very close attention to this rubric. The final questions on the worksheet are worth the most points! 

Criteria Possible Points
1. Summary of projected changes in climate demonstrates a clear understanding of the data retrieved from the NCCV. Correct units of measure are used in the discussion of climate variables. 10
2. Summary of climate change impacts on crops shows that the students understand basic connections between plants growth and climate variables. 10
3. The answer demonstrates that students considered the adaptation strategies presented in this module and identified strategies appropriate for the regions, including consideration of the region's crops, climate, and food systems. 10
Answers are typed and clearly and logically written with no spelling and grammar errors 5