GEOG 430
Human Use of the Environment

Lesson 4 Overview


Governance of Resources:

This week we will examine theories and approaches to study how resources (especially natural resource) are governed. Governance refers to the norms, institutions and processes that determine how power and responsibilities over resources are exercised, how decisions are made, and how different people participate in these processes. In Geography we pay particular attention to how different groups (and especially marginalized groups) participate in and benefit from the management of resources. The effectiveness and equity of governance processes critically determine both the extent to which ecosystems contribute to human well being and the sustainability of use. 

Consider these questions as you go through the material for this week as well as when completing your assignment:

  • Whose responsibility is it to manage local resources? Global resources?
  • What are the socio-economic and socio-ecologic implications of resource extraction?  
  • When is it beneficial for a government or private company to control a resource? When is it not beneficial? 

Lesson 4 Checklist

To Read

Read the Lesson 4 course content.

Use the links below to continue moving through the lesson material.

To Read Reading: Ostrom, E. (2009). A General Framework for Analyzing the Sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems. Science, 325(5939): 419–22. A link to the reading is located in the Week 4 module in Canvas.
To Read Reading: Watts, M. (2004). Resource curse? Governmentality, oil and power in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Geopolitics, 9(1), 50-80. A link to the reading is located in the Week 4 module in Canvas.
To Submit See Canvas, course announcements.

Note: Please refer to the Calendar in Canvas for specific time frames and due dates.