This portion of Chapter 11 addresses some aspects of water governance. Consider the type of conflict that you will address in your assignment. (This chapter was asignment in Lesson 9, so it should just be a review)
Required Reading
Holden (2020) – Tongper and Barua, Chapter 11 Water conflict, law and governance (p.382-404)
Here is one of two examples of conflict over water to consider in your choice of a case study.
Required Reading
Case Study #1 – Conflict over the Nile River (Registered students can access the case study under Lesson 10 in Canvas.)
Here is the second of two examples of conflict over water to consider in your choice of a case study.
Required Reading
Case Study #2 – Brazil's Belo Monte Dam Project (Registered students can access the case study under Lesson 10 in Canvas.)
Peruse this list of possible conflicts over water, and choose a case study for your assignment (or find a comparable example from other sources).
Required Reading
Pacific Institute's - The World's Water - Water Conflict Chronology
Optional Reading
Sultana, F. and A. Loftus. 2015. The human right to water