Energy Policy

Reading Assignment


This week's reading assignments attempt to tackle this challenge of which geographic scale is best for addressing climate change in the United States. Be mindful of the particular strengths of local scale action since we'll be undertaking that as part of our group project.  But, also be thinking about its shortcomings and how that should inform the eventual recommendations you'll make to your municipalities.

Reading Assignment (Penn State login required)*

  • Rabe, B. G., & Mills, S. B. (2017). State energy policy in the Trump era: Insights from public opinion. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, (4), 535-539. 10.1007/s13412-017-0453-6 (access via PSU libraries)
  • Moloney, S. & Fünfgeld, H. & Granberg, M. (2018). Chapter 1 Climate Change Responses from the Global to Local Scale in Local Action on Climate Change: Opportunities and Constraints. pages 1-16. Routledge, New York. (available in Canvas)
  • Congress Climate History

Points to Consider While Reading

  • We can achieve necessary emissions reductions (to a point) without doing so explicitly (or solely) for climate considerations. Energy efficiency is one area which crosses the political divide quite nicely, even now.
  • What are the differences in the efficacy of various scales of governance implementing mitigation and adaptation strategies?
  • The idea that network government is a challenge to traditional government.
  • What is a polycentric approach?
  • Local action represents unique opportunities for innovative climate action and more inclusive processes for more effective solutions.
  • Which is more effective for climate action - a top-down or bottom-up approach?

*Students who register for this Penn State course gain access to assignments, all readings, and instructor feedback, and earn academic credit. Information about registering for this Penn State course is available through the ESP Program Office.