Lesson Data
This section provides links to download the Lesson 5 data along with reference information about each dataset (metadata). Briefly review the information below so you have a general idea of the data we will use in this lesson. You do not need to click on any of the hyperlinks as we will do this in the Step-by-Step Activities.
In this lesson, we will experiment with two different types of data providers, both public and private. For the publicly available data, we will use a combination of online data services and raw GIS files, which you will have to download yourself. The private data is included in the zip file below. Keep in mind, the websites and servers of public data providers may occasionally experience technical difficulties. If you happen to work on this lesson while one of the sites is down, you may need to stop work and start again the following day to allow time for the servers to reboot.
Lesson 5 Data Download:
Note: You should not complete this activity until you have read through all of the pages in Lesson 5. See the Lesson 5 Checklist for further information.
Create a new folder in your GEOG487 folder called "L5." Download a zip file of the Lesson 5 Data and save it in your "L5" folder. Extract the zip file and view the contents.
Information about all datasets used in the lesson is provided below:
Publicly Available Data:
Base Map:
- Service Names: OpenStreetMap
- Within ArcGIS Pro, go to the Map tab, Layer group > Basemap
Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA):
- PASDA Website
- Metadata: Available within each specific data page.
- Lesson Data:
- Pennsylvania Land Cover (2005):
- Data Type: Raster (Grid)
- Layer Name: PAMAP Program Land Cover for Pennsylvania, 2005
- Originator: The Pennsylvania State University
- Release Date: 2007
- Download Size: 166 MB
- Pennsylvania Land Cover (2005):
Private Data (Located Inside the L5 Data Folder):
- Study_Area (polygon shapefile): The study site boundary shows the extent of our analysis.
- Counties (polygon shapefile): Polygons showing counties within our study area.
- LU_1978 (raster grid): Grid representing land use in Pennsylvania in 1978. Coded values are explained in the Step-by-Step portion of the lesson.