Summary and Deliverables
In the Final Project, we applied spatial problem-solving skills and concepts covered in the course to design a GIS work plan from scratch and pitch it to a client.
Final Project Deliverables
The Final Project is worth a total of 200 points (20% of total course points).
Part I: (See Course Calendar for Due Date)
- (100 points) Visual GIS Work Plan
- Create a visual plan outlining your approach (see the Approach Page).
- Text should be concise (bullet points/short sentences/talking points).
- Include at least 3 screen captures and 1 visual aid (photo, video, etc.)
- Required Format: Prezi.com or Canva.com or Esri StoryMap
- (50 points) Video Presentation
- Present your plan to the review board in a short video (up to 5 minutes long). You need to convince them that they should choose your team for the project award. Remember, your audience is NOT your instructor and classmates.
- Use Kaltura, Screencast-O-Matic, or another video program of your choice.
- (25 points) Public Post
- Create a new Public Post.
- Use a meaningful title for your post (e.g., Wetland Restoration in Michigan).
- Include the URL of your Visual GIS Work Plan in Prezi, Canva, or ArcGIS StoryMap.
- Include the URL of your video presentation.
- Include a short reflection (~ 200-300 words). What did you like about this project? Which parts were easiest/hardest?
Part II: (See Course Calendar for Due Date)
- (25 points) Peer Review
- Select another student's project to review.
- Respond to their post with two positive comments and one tip for improvement.
- Your review should be ~ 200-300 words.
Final Project Evaluation Criteria:
- Mastery: Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of a range of GIS tools and operations covered in the course, including Spatial Analyst.
- Accuracy: Analysis steps and the scenario make sense and are plausible in the real world.
- Creativity: Incorporate resources beyond ArcGIS such as Kaltura, Prezi, Canva, ArcGIS StoryMaps, other ArcGIS Online Maps and Apps, Google Earth, etc.
- Effective Communication: Supporting graphics, appropriate word choice, confidence, speaking pace, etc.
- Follow Instructions: Demonstrate that you considered the questions in the Approach Section, include at least 5 main steps in your workflow, follow time limits for video, submit on time, etc.
Work Plan (Mastery) | Demonstrates conceptual understanding of GIS concepts and operations. (25pts) | Demonstrates an understanding of most GIS concepts, but appears unclear about some. (15pts) | Demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of most GIS concepts and operations. (0pts) | 25pts |
Work Plan (Accuracy) | Work plan accurately represents a real-world scenario. (25pts) | Work plan is incomplete or is in some ways unrealistic. (15pts) | Work plan is not plausible to a real-world scenario. (0pts) | 25pts |
Work Plan (Creativity) | Work plan is designed in a creative way utilizing a variety of tools. (15pts) | Work plan shows some creativity but is largely out-of-the-box ArcGIS. (8pts) | Work plan contains little creativity beyond basic ArcGIS tools. (0pts) | 15pts |
Work Plan (Effective Communication) | Work plan is designed in a way that effectively communicates the scenario. (15pts) | Work plan communicates all required information but is a bit hard to understand. (8pts) | Work plan is poorly designed and is confusing or overwhelming to the reader. (0pts) | 15pts |
Work Plan (Follow Instructions) | Work plan includes all required elements (Prezi/Canva/StoryMap, raster/vector/xy, >5 steps, 3 screen captures, etc.). (20pts) | Work plan is missing an element or two. (10pts) | Work plan is missing several required elements. (0pts) | 20pts |
Video Presentation (Effective Communication) | Video conforms to instructions and was produced in a manner that renders it compelling and informative. (25pts) | Video adequately meets requirements but appears hastily produced making it more difficult to follow and understand. (15pts) | Video was poorly produced making it difficult or impossible for the audience to understand the work plan. (0pts) | 25pts |
Video Presentation (Follow Instructions) | <5-minute video is linked. (25pts) | Video is linked but does not conform to instructions. (15pts) | Video is missing. (0pts) | 25pts |
Reflection | Post includes 200-300 words sufficiently discussing the favorite, hardest, and easiest parts of this project. (25pts) | Post is present but does not adequately discuss the experience of working on this project. (15pts) | Posting is missing. (0pts) | 25pts |
Peer Review | A 200-300 word post about another student's project is present and includes 2 positive comments and 1 suggestion for improvement. (25pts) | Post is present but does not adequately evaluate another student's project. (15pts) | Post is missing. (0pts) | 25pts |
TOTAL | 200pts |
Tell us about it!
If you have anything you'd like to comment on, or add to the lesson materials, feel free to post your thoughts in the Final Project Discussion. For example, what did you have the most trouble with in this lesson? Was there anything useful here that you'd like to try in your own workplace?