GEOG 489
Advanced Python Programming for GIS

1.6.4 Speed limiters


With all of these approaches to speeding up our code, what are the elements which will cause bottlenecks and slow us down?

Well, there are a few – these include the time to set up each of the processes for multiprocessing. Remember earlier we mentioned that because each process doesn’t share memory it needs a copy of the data to use. This will need to be copied to a memory location. Also as each process runs its own Python.exe instance, it needs to be launched and arcpy needs to be imported for each instance (although fortunately, multiprocessing takes care of this for us). Still, all of that takes time to start so our code won’t appear to do much at first while it is doing this housekeeping - and if we're not starting a lot of processes then we won't see enough of a speed up in processing to make up for those start-up time costs.

Other things that can slow us down are the speed of our RAM. Access times for RAM used to be measured in nanoseconds but now are measured in megahertz (MHz). The method of calculating the speed isn’t especially important but if you’re moving large files around in RAM or performing calculations that require getting a number out of RAM, adding, subtracting, multiplying, etc. and then putting the result into another location in RAM and you’re doing that millions of times very, very small delays will quickly add up to seconds or minutes. Another speedbump is running out of RAM. While we can allocate more than 4GB per process using 64-bit programming, if we don’t have enough RAM to complete all of the tasks that we might launch then our operating system will start swapping between RAM (which is fast) and our hard disk (which isn’t – even if it’s one of the solid state types – SSDs).

Speaking of hard disks, it’s very likely that we’re loading and saving data to them and as our disks are slower than our RAM and our processors, that is going to cause a delay. The less we need to load and save data the better, so good multiprocessing practice is to keep as much data as possible in RAM (see the caveat above about running out of RAM). The speed of disks is governed by a couple of factors; the speed that the motor spins (unless it is an SSD), seek time and the amount of cache that the disk has. Here is how these elements all work together to speed up (or slow down) your code. The hard disk receives a request for data from the operating system, which it then goes looking for. This is the seek time referring to how long it takes the disk to position the read head over the segment of disk the data is located on, which is a function of motor speed as well. Then once the file is found, it needs to be loaded into memory – cache - and then this is sent through to the process that needed the data. When data is written back to your disk, the reverse process takes place. The cache is filled (as memory is faster than disks ) and then the cache is written to the disk. If the file is larger than the cache, the cache gets topped up as it starts to empty until the file is written. A slow spinning hard disk motor or a small amount of cache can both slow down this process.

It’s also possible that we’re loading data from across a network connection (e.g. from a database or remotely stored files) and that will also be slow due to network latency – the time it takes to get to and from the other device on the network with the request and the result.

We can also be slowed down by inefficient code, for example, using too many loops or an inefficient if / else / elif statement that we evaluate too many times or using a mathematical function that is slower than its alternatives. We'll examine these sorts of coding bottlenecks - or at least how to identify them when we look at code profiling later in the lesson.