GEOG 583
Geospatial System Analysis and Design

Technology Trends: Introduction


Technology Trends Introduction

In comparison to where we were about 20 years ago - current GISystems have changed a lot as the technology world around us has evolved rapidly. However, off-the-shelf desktop and web GIS tools aren't always the quickest platforms to react to these changes.

I want to help contextualize what we learn on system design and analysis with what's happening with emerging technologies. In each lesson, I will ask you to review a specific new technology trend and to imagine how those advances can and will impact geospatial systems in the future.

Technology Trends

Each Lesson features a Technology Trend page that presents a new technology and encourages you to envision its potential impact on geospatial systems. I'll draw upon video lectures, links to live demonstrations, and other multimedia as much as I can to make these modules as engaging as possible.

The trends we will cover this term include:

  • New Frameworks for Design
  • Anthropology and New Interactive Displays
  • Volunteered Geographic Information
  • Augmented Reality
  • Cloud, Edge, and Fog Computing
  • Open Core
  • Software Modelling: from UML to Kanban
  • Making Sense of Massive Sensor Data
  • Eye-Tracking

For each Technology Trend, I'll ask you to participate in threaded discussions with your classmates based on several prompts that I will provide. These constitute an important part of your participation grade.

On the next page, you'll find your first Technology Trend assignment. In this assignment, we will examine a few different ways of framing design problems and we will discuss how these might be valuable as design philosophies for the development of GISystems.