Welcome to GEOG 597i - Special Topics in Geospatial Intelligence Futures
Quick Facts about GEOG 597i
- Instructor: Dr. George van Otten
- Course Structure: Online, 10-12 hours a week for 10 weeks
- Overview:The overarching goal of this course is to familiarize participants with the transcendent issues, themes, concepts, and applications of the discipline of geography.
This course explores the fundamentals of applied geography. Additionally, it provides exposure to spatial modeling and quantitative tools of spatial analysis.
Course Objectives
General course objectives are as follows:
Upon completion of this course, the successful student will be able to:
- describe the transcendent theme of the discipline of geography;
- describe the evolution of the discipline;
- describe current trends relative to geographic research and the applications of the tools of spatial analysis;
- describe and/or define the basis concepts, tools, models, and mathematical formulae used by geographers to analyze the spatial realities of the earth;
- apply the tools of spatial analysis to "real world" problems and issues;
- demonstrate comprehension of the implications of modern space and time adjusting technologies;
- describe the primary theories and models used for spatial analysis; and
- make logical predictions relative to future spatial patterns and interactions that are based upon the materials covered in lectures and assigned readings.
Course Goals and Outcomes
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
- describe the transcendent theme of the discipline of geography;
- identify prominent geographers who are responsible for the development of the discipline;
- describe the evolution of the discipline;
- describe the place of geography relative to the sciences and social sciences;
- demonstrate comprehension of measurement and scaling in the application of theories and tools of spatial analysis;
- describe and demonstrate comprehension of the structuring of geographic relationships;
- demonstrate the ability to apply spatial classifications systems;
- demonstrate comprehension of the bases for spatial interaction;
- describe the nature of transportation systems and apply various models, formulizing, graphs, and matrices;
- describe and apply the foundational theories and models associated with the analysis of rural and urban land uses;
- describe and demonstrate comprehension of the ways in which spatial diffusion works;
- demonstrate the ability to apply the gravity model to predictive analysis relative to the potential for interaction between places;
- define the basic spatial concepts that provide the foundation for spatial research;
- demonstrate comprehension of the way in which spatial relationships (site and situation) impact upon the location of industries, communities, and places; and
- provide a reasoned synthesis of the probable further of world spatial realities in light of the rapidly changing nature of cyberspace.