GEOG 850
Location Intelligence for Business

2.0 Introduction to Lesson 2


It is important to remember that the marketing function in an organization is charged with the following responsibilities:

  • Capture prospective customer needs, wants, desires and values (commonly known as the voice of the customer or the voice of the market).
  • Create a product/service (something of value) that satisfies (meets or exceeds) the prospective customer’s expectations.
  • Collect payment for product/service delivery (sell).

It also important to remember that a customer is a person/organization who not only has needs, wants, desires, and values but is willing to spend her/his money to fulfill those needs, wants, desires, and values (i.e., there is an exchange of value).

Raffi Amit, Wharton School of Business, and Christoph Zott, University of Navarra IESE Business School in Spain, were recently interviewed to discuss business modeling and changes the COVID-19 pandemic causes in an economy.

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a severe, multifaceted global crisis--both a health crisis and an economic crisis. The shocks to the economy were both on the demand side as well as on the supply side. A catastrophic pandemic such as COVID-19 is very likely to alter the preferences, habits, and risk attitudes of consumers, in part because of the long stays at home and the social distancing measures that were applied. What seems very likely is that many companies--both large and small, both private and public, bothe for-profit and not-for-profit--will be prompted to reimagine themselves, to reinvent themselves, in order to survive and prosper in the future.

The way they engage with their customers might change dramatically. For the last almost year, we didn't go to malls. We didn't go shopping. We did everything online. If you are a mall owner, you will ask yourself, "Will consumers come back to malls? Will they need the mall? Will they need to go when they are so used to shopping online today?

There are profound behavioral changes that might occur as a result of this pandemic. Companies need to look at themselves and say, "Should we find new ways to interact wiht our partners, with our customers?" Therefore, "Do we need to design a new business model?" There is no doubt that the pandemic has prompted companies to reimagine and redesign their business models. I think that we don't really know how the new normal will evolve. That's work in progress, right? There are so many things that are happening, both politically, socially, and otherwise, and there is a record level of uncertainty as a result. That, for sure, will affect how companies will decide to engage with their stakeholders. Raffi Amit

Knowledge@Wharton. (2021). Business Model Innovation Matters More Than Ever. Podcast. 15 Feb 2021.

Learning Objectives

At the successful completion of Lesson 2, you should be able to:

  • discuss how location relates to consumer behavior;
  • discuss market segmentation;
  • define segment, cluster, variable, and attribute;
  • discuss Census geographies, demography, and the origins of market segmentation;
  • locate and enumerate demographic (and psychographic) attributes of a given zip code;
  • list the attributes for a selected segment and compare segments based upon variables; and,
  • define demographic and psychographic profiling: and
  • brainstorm ideas for a Term-long Project relating to location intelligence;

What is due for Lesson 2?

Lesson 2 will take us one week to complete. There are a number of required activities in this lesson, listed below. For assignment details, refer to the lesson page noted.

Note: Please refer to the Calendar in Canvas for specific time frames and due dates.

Requirements for Lesson 2
2.1 Business Modeling
Requirements Details Access / Directions
Read Read the course content. Use the Lessons menu or the links below to continue moving through the lesson material.
Moreno, “Location Intelligence: Mapping the Opportunities in Data Landscape” Registered students can access the reading in Canvas on the Lesson 2 Readings page.
Deliverable No Deliverable N/A
2.2 Census Geography, Demographics, and Attributes
Requirements Details Access / Directions
Read Read the course content. Use the Lessons menu or the links below to continue moving through the lesson material.
Do US Census geographies and population data activity The activity is on the Lesson 2.2 Census Geography and Attributes course content page.
Deliverable No Deliverable is required for this activity. N/A
2.3 Market Segmentation and Clustering in the U.S.
Requirements Details Access / Directions
Read Read the course content. Use the Lessons menu or the links below to continue moving through the lesson material.
NetMBA “Market Segmentation” Registered students can access the reading in Canvas on the Lesson 2 Readings page. The End of Demographics” Registered students can access the reading in Canvas on the Lesson 2 Readings page.
Andrade-Walz, “Geodemographic Segmentation: The People Behind the Coordinates” Registered students can access the reading in Canvas on the Lesson 2 Readings page.
Optional Reading Links to other examples of segmentation Links to the readings are on the Lesson 2.3 Market Segmentation and Clustering in the U.S. course content page.
Do Claritas "My Best Segments"part I, PRIZM The activity is on the Lesson 2.3 Market Segmentation and Clustering in the U.S. course content page.
Deliverable Presentation, Due Tuesday. Submit in Canvas to the Lesson 2.3 Activity: PRIZM "My Best Segments" drop box
2.4 Comparing Segmentation Systems
Requirements Details Access / Directions
Read Read the course content. Use the Lessons menu or the links below to continue moving through the lesson material.
Mosaic USA, Experian Registered students can access the reading in Canvas on the Lesson 2 Readings page.
Experian Business Strategies, Mosaic USA Registered students can access the reading in Canvas on the Lesson 2 Readings page.
Do "My Best Segments" part II, P$YCLE and ConneXions * The activity is on the Lesson 2.4 Comparing Segmentation Systems course content page.
Comparison with Experian Mosaic and CACI ACORN systems The activity is on the Lesson 2.4 Comparing Segmentation Systems course content page.
Deliverable Quiz 1: Geography, Location Intelligence, and Segmentation
due Tuesday.
Registered students can access the quiz in Canvas in the Lesson 2 module.
2.5 Term Project Brainstorm Project Ideas
Requirements Details Access / Directions
Read Read the course content. Use the Lessons menu or the links below to continue moving through the lesson material.
Deliverable Post Term Project - Topic Idea, Due Tuesday. Post in Canvas to the Lesson 2.5 Term Project – Topic Idea forum.