8.2.1 Checkbox
This Esri sample allows the user to switch easily back and forth between 3D terrain layers depicting an area before and after a landslide. A checkbox is used to toggle between the two layers. Let’s look at how this checkbox is coded.
First, a semi-transparent div (with id of "paneDiv") is positioned in the bottom right of the map. Embedded within that div are three child elements -- another div (id of "infoDiv") that provides brief instructions, an input element (type of "checkbox" and id of "elevAfter"), and a label that's been associated with that checkbox (done using the attribute setting for="elevAfter").
There's a lot going on in this sample, most of it outside the scope of what I want to get across here. Focusing on how to implement a checkbox, note the inclusion here of the checked attribute. checked is an example of a Boolean attribute. You don't need to set it equal to any value. If the checked attribute is present, the box will be checked when the page loads; if that attribute is omitted, the box will be unchecked.
The assignment of an id to the checkbox is an important step in the implementation as that's what enables working with the element in the JS code. The JS code associated with the checkbox appears on lines 185-187. The DOM's getElementById() method is used to get a reference to the checkbox, plugging in the id that was assigned to the element in the HTML code. The DOM's addEventListener() method is then used to set up a "listener" for a certain kind of event to occur in relation to the checkbox – in this case, the "change" event. As outlined on the w3schools site, addEventListener() has two required arguments: the event to listen for and a function to execute when that event is triggered. And similar to how a promise returns an object to its callback function, the addEventListener() method passes an event object to its associated function. While this event object has a few different properties, the most applicable in most cases is the one used here – target. The target property returns a reference to the element that triggered the event, which in this case is an input element of type checkbox. So what’s happening on line 186 is the layer that represents the terrain after the landslide has its visible property set to event.target.checked. In other words, if the box is checked (event.target.checked returns true), then the "after" layer’s visible property is set to true. If the box is unchecked (event.target.checked returns false), then the layer’s visible property is set to false. (The "after" layer is what we see when its visible property is true because the two layers were added to the Map up on line 56 with "before" coming first in the array and "after" second. The "before" layer gets drawn first, then the "after" layer is drawn on top of it. So the "before" layer will only be seen if the "after" layer is toggled off.)
If you look over the rest of the code, don't fret if you have trouble following. It's fairly advanced. Focus on the checkbox pieces, which have been discussed here.