GEOG 863:
Web Application Development for Geospatial Professionals

8.6.4 Combobox and Button


Two other controls often found in user interfaces are the combo box and the button.  In the CodePen below, I've implemented Calcite's Combobox and Button components in a modification of the mountain peak filtering sample we saw earlier:

See the Pen calcite peaks by Jim Detwiler (@jimdetwiler) on CodePen.

In this version of the app, I've replaced the vanilla HTML select elements with calcite-combobox elements and the HTML option elements with calcite-combobox-item elements.  The Calcite Combobox's default behavior is to allow for multiple selections, which isn't really suitable for this scenario.  To produce the best result, we want to override the default behavior by setting the selection-mode, selection-display, and clear-disabled attributes.  Rather than repeat the same attribute settings for each calcite-combobox, note that the settings are made in the JS block, at the beginning of the require() callback function.  The DOM's querySelectorsAll() method is used to get a reference to the calcite-combobox elements (as a NodeList).  This NodeList object is stored in a constant called comboBoxes.  A for loop is then used to iterate over each combobox, with the DOM's setAttribute() method used to set the three attributes noted above to desired values.  

Returning to the HTML, note that I've replaced the vanilla HTML button element with a calcite-button element.  One benefit to this change is the ability to configure an icon to appear alongside the button text, either before or after it.  Here I've added Calcite's query icon after the text by setting the icon-end attribute. 

Finally, note that I carried over the id values from the select and button elements in the Esri sample to the calcite-comboboxes and calcite-button elements in my modification.  Thus, the sample's doQuery() function needed no changes.