GEOG 882
Geographic Foundations of Geospatial Intelligence

3.3 Geopolitics of Global Dangers


As you read the Introduction to Part Four on the Geopolitics of Global Dangers, think critically and ask yourself:

  • The author identifies a number of new threats that "stalk our world." Can you identify other threats? The author is well known for his work in "environmental security" and he is Canadian. How does his background and nationality affect his choices in identifying global threats?
  • What role might intelligence (especially geospatial intelligence) play in dealing with environmental security issues? How do the discourses of "environmental geopolitics" influence such intelligence analysis?
  • The author notes that taken-for-granted geographies of security flavor the way the establishment (to include the intelligence community) view these new threats and often leads to management strategies backed by military preparedness. How could alternative viewpoints provide a different set of management strategies that rely less (or not at all) on military approaches?
  • Does geospatial intelligence have any utility in addressing emerging disease threats?

Required Reading

Read "Introduction to Part Four: The Geopolitics of Global Dangers" in The Geopolitics Reader, 2nd edition. (Pages 177-187)