GEOG 882
Geographic Foundations of Geospatial Intelligence

3.9 Summary and Final Tasks



This week completes the first of our four-part course. In this lesson, we covered:

  • Geopolitics of Global Dangers
  • Anti-Geopolitics
  • Huntington's "The Clash of Civilization"
  • Said's "The Clash of Ignorance"
  • Said on Orientalism
  • Critical Analysis Paper Instructions

The most important thing to get out of Lesson Three is the knowledge that there are new threats, alternative discourses, and the importance of having geospatial practitioners capable of and willing to examine these threats and discourses. The most important thing to get out of part one of the course is the ability to apply critical thinking skills throughout the rest of the course and in your career beyond this program.

Final Tasks

Deliverable: Lesson 03 - GRADED Paper (#1) - Critical Analysis

When you have completed your paper, return to Lesson 03 in Canvas. Look for the Lesson 03 - GRADED Paper (#1) assignment link where you will submit your paper. You will find directions for submitting your papers when you enter the assignment.

Before you move on to Lesson 4, double-check the Lesson 03 Checklist to make sure you have completed all the required activities for this lesson.

Looking Ahead

Next week, we begin part two of the course, addressing national security applications of geospatial intelligence. Lesson Four: Intelligence Organizations and Functions introduces you to a broad overview of intelligence, including definitions of intelligence, purposes of intelligence, and US intelligence community organization and functions. There will be a lot of reading once again, and the quiz experience. The next lesson will cover:

  • the definition of "intelligence" as articulated by Lowenthal;
  • the evolution of the US intelligence system;
  • the layout of the US intelligence infrastructure and functions of the major agencies;
  • the intelligence process including: requirements, collection, processing and exploitation, analysis and consumption, and feedback;
  • the functions of collection and analysis as described by Lowenthal.

I am looking forward to reading your papers.