Library Research Guides

Special collection librarians put together guides to help students, faculty, and other researchers find valued information resources. Because the librarians are "specialists" in a given field of study, they have a very good sense as to where to find information. The research guides listed below may include links to articles, databases, books, websites, or government resources. Sometimes these are also organized by topic or by region of the world.

If you have an interest in a particular area, you will certainly find it handy to see where these information professionals encourage you to start your investigation!

Here are links to some examples that might be of particular interest to students taking courses through the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.

Don't forget! If you have a question you can just ASK! a librarian! They are there to help you! The ASK! page will connect you to librarians in a manner that meets your needs; e-mail, phone, or use the chat window for a quick response!

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Here is a link to the University Libraries website for the Fletcher L. Byrom Earth and Mineral Sciences Library.

You will find additional research guides and a lot more!