8.3: The Stitch Files Tab

Screenshot of the Stitch Files Tab
Stitch Files Tab
Mx™ Software Screenshot

The Stitch Files tab allows the user to save the individual files of a stitch in case there is a problem during stitch. Scans which have had a problem will show up as red when completed (successful scans show up as green). If the user has saved the individual files, they can go back and just recollect the areas which had issues and then restitch the image with the software.

To use this feature, the user must check the Save Data option. Then click the ... button to the right of the base folder option. This will open up another dialog which allows the user to direct the software to the proper folder, add text for a filename, add sequential so you can keep track of which individual file is which, etc.

Screenshot of the Stitch File Path and Name
Stitch File Path and Name
Mx™ Software Screenshot