GEOG 868
Spatial Database Management




Critical to maintaining spatial databases is the job of ensuring the integrity of your spatial and nonspatial data. There are several behaviors that you can impose upon your data that will give you access to robust methods of assessing the integrity of existing data and of ensuring the integrity of newly created data. This lesson will expose you to some of those techniques.

Note that there are two sets of pages in this lesson; the first written for ArcGIS Pro and the second for ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap).  I strongly encourage you to work through the ArcGIS Pro pages since it is the more modern of the two packages.  If you do that, there is no need to also work through the ArcMap pages, unless you're particularly interested.  But if you have good reason to avoid Pro, such as having no experience with it or working in an environment where you're required to use ArcMap instead, then you have that option.

The point has been made that the best practice is to think through the implementation of your database design before you implement it. That philosophy certainly holds for what we will be covering in this lesson. However, in order to illustrate the concepts that we want to cover, it is advantageous to already have some existing data, both spatial and attribute. The scope of this lesson does not include a lot of tracing of spatial features and entering of attribute values. So, we will be applying the various techniques to existing data.


At the successful completion of this lesson, students should be able to:

  • understand attribute domains;
  • understand subtypes;
  • understand geodatabase topology.


Conversation and comments in this course will take place within the course discussion forums.