Welcome to AE 878: Solar Project Development and Finance!
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Quick Facts about AE 878
Mark Kleinginna
AE 878 provides an introduction to the universal principles of Solar Project Development, Management and Finance. The general principles of Project Management and Finance will be introduced and then very quickly applied to the specific case of Solar Development. Much of the relevant information will be based on the United States experience, but the principles are universal. The principles are elucidated through readings in the course on Canvas, readings linked through the internet, as well as interviews conducted by the instructor. There will also be seven zoom calls for which your participation is required for at least three. The development of a potential cohort in this course is very high and it should not be missed by any student. These calls will represent a great opportunity for this development.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
- Explain the role and importance of project management in solar development
- Review and discuss how the supply chain, as well as, local, state, and federal policy affects solar development projects
- Explain the role and importance of project finance, including price/revenue, capital expenses, and capital structure, in solar development
- Describe how risk management may affect a solar development project