EBF 301
Global Finance for the Earth, Energy, and Materials Industries

Summary and Final Tasks - Hidden


Key Learning Points: Lesson 2

  1. In 2008, the record run-up in oil prices actually represented a dynamic shift in composition of market participants.
  2. Crude oil is a globally-traded commodity in a world where the economies of most countries are tightly intertwined.
  3. The US is gradually increasing its domestic oil production, thus reducing its crude imports.
  4. Natural gas is strictly a domestically traded commodity.
  5. Vast new reserves of natural gas have been found in “shale” plays due to new technological advances in exploration, drilling, completion and production.
  6. The US is both an importer and exporter of natural gas.
  7. Several factors influence the prices of crude oil and natural gas.

Now that we have examined production and consumption in the United States as well as the energy “mix,” we will focus on the fuel sources that comprise over 57% of the energy used in this country. Crude oil, with refined products, and natural gas and related natural gas liquids (NGLs) make-up this large sector.


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