EGEE 102
Energy Conservation for Environmental Protection

Lesson 1: Energy and Society


Welcome to Lesson 1!

View the following (2:36) video introduction to Lesson 1

Lesson 1 Introduction Video
Click here for a transcript of the Introduction to Lesson 1 video.

Unit 1, Lesson 1: Energy and Society Overview

It looks like we are ready to go for lesson 1. Lesson 1 is Energy and Society, as we talked about. This lesson is going to teach us basically about energy. What is energy? And in which units we measure energy, commonly used units, and there are different forms of energy that we use. For example, we use electrical energy or mechanical energy, like moving a car, etc., and we need to know the units in which we measure these different forms of energy.

So we will learn about forms of energy. We will learn about the units in which we measure these forms of energy and also we will get into a very, very important distinction between energy and power. And you need to be very clear. That is the key concept in this lesson that I want you to concentrate on – power and energy. And once we know the difference, using power, we can calculate the energy or, if we know the energy and time, we can also calculate power. So we will also look at some of those calculations. And once we know the power we can calculate the energy as I said so we are going to do some exercises. Like, for example, a computer consumes some power, the rate at which energy is drawn, and if we use for so many hours, what is the energy consumption by this computer? And similarly we can do for a refrigerator, we can do for any other appliance that you use at home. These are common appliances that we are using every day in life so when we add up the energy consumed by computer, by toaster, by oven, by refrigerator, by lighting, etc. at your place, you get basically energy consumption of all your equipment in a day. And we are going to do that and calculate energy consumption for a day, and then for a month and we can calculate also electric bill for one whole month so that would be our objective in this lesson.

Be careful, again, the distinction between energy and power is a very important concept. Forms of energy and the units in which we measure energy are the things that we will be looking at in this wonderful chapter. All Right! Why Wait? Let’s go and start our chapter. Good Luck!

The Pennsylvania State University, CC-BY-NC-SA

Checklist for Lesson 1

Here is your "to do" list for this week (at least for EGEE 102!).

See the Calendar in Canvas for due dates/times.

  1. Read the online lesson: Lesson 1 - Energy and Society
  2. Watch the Lesson 1 - Guided Review (Flash movie) (a printable Review Sheet is also provided)
  3. Go through the Lesson 1 - Questions for Review and Discussion
  4. Review the Lesson 1 - Resources (supplemental materials that are optional...but informative!)
  5. Complete the Lesson 1 - StudyMate Activities (You will obtain feedback for these exercises, but they will not count toward your final course grade.)
  6. Take the Lesson 1 - Quiz (graded)


If you have any questions, please post them to the Discussions tab located in Canvas. I will check that discussion forum daily to respond. While you are visiting the discussion board, feel free to post your own responses to questions posted by others - this way you would be helping out a classmate!