EGEE 401
Energy in a Changing World




In this lesson, we will focus on the drivers for change in regard to electricity. What is moving us from fossil fuels to renewables? How does this shift impact reliability, accessibility, security, and sustainability? Conversely, how do these four factors drive the transition? In the previous lessons, we explore the outlooks that illustrate projected trends in supply and demand. These outlooks illustrate these trends, and, to an extent, offer some explanations. In this lesson we will step back and take a look at the high-level drivers of the trends these outlooks tell in regard to the transition from fossil fuels to renewables. In the next lesson, we will explore trends in energy efficiency and other ways to deliver electricity more effectively to users, regardless of how it is generated.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Recognize the drivers and trends involved in moving from fossil fuels to renewables;
  • Relate these trends to energy sustainability, reliability, accessibility, and security; and
  • Describe how these drivers and trends support the SDG #7 targets.

Lesson Roadmap

List of Activities to be Completed
Read Lesson 4 Content and other assigned readings
Participate One Minute Essay Activity
Write 225 word (+/- 10%) essay


If you have questions, please feel free to post them to the Questions about EGEE 401 Discussion forum in Canvas. While you are there, feel free to post your own responses if you, too, are able to help a classmate.