Dr. Erich W. Schienke
Erich W. Schienke, PhD. Lecturer, John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, and Sustainability Management and Policy Option Leader in the Renewable Energy and Sustainability Systems (Online Masters and Graduate Certificates Program); and Ethics Co-Leader for the Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, The Pennsylvania State University.
I received my Ph.D. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS) in August 2006 and have been intellectually engaged with STS as a field since 1990. My research encompasses the design of environmental information systems in support of decision making and policy development; the construction of sustainability indicators (including energy); and the ethical dimensions of environmental policies across scale. I have extensive experience applying key information technologies for monitoring environment and human health interactions. Since 2003, I have had a geopolitical focus on ecological policies and urban development in China, primarily because it is one of the most relevant issues facing human well-being and science-based technical governance over the next century. My theoretical interests are in the construction of scientific research, particularly in how ethics and value judgments become co-produced, prioritized, and communicated between scientists, policymakers, and the public.
Erich can be reached by e-mail at erich@psu.edu.