EME 811
Solar Thermal Energy for Utilities and Industry

About the Course Website


This site includes the majority of the instructional materials for this class. There are a few things you should know about this website.

How the Website is Organized

This site uses a menu to organize content:

  • Syllabus - The Syllabus is a complete outline of the course. Read it carefully, as it will serve as our course "contract."
  • Orientation - You are currently in the Orientation. It provides an introduction to the instructor, the learning environments, the technical requirements, and information on how to succeed in an online class.
  • Lessons - The Lessons tab is where the bulk of the course learning material can be found. Each lesson contains an introduction, reading assignments, links, assessments, etc.
  • Canvas - The Canvas tab takes you directly to your Canvas home page.
  • Resources - The Resources tab includes a list of a variety of resources which may be of use to you while taking this course, including whom to contact for assistance.

How to Print a Lesson or Page

  • To print an entire lesson, you must be on the top-level page for that lesson and then select the "Print" link.
  • To print a single page, go to the page you want to print and select the printer-friendly version link.
  • WARNING: many pages contain required videos, animations, and links that will not work in print mode, so please do not rely on the printed lessons for all of your learning.