EM SC 240N
Energy and Sustainability in Contemporary Culture

Lesson 6 - Critical Analysis of Energy and Sustainability Issues



In this lesson, you will again apply the knowledge that you have gained in Module 1 to analyze one or more energy- and sustainability-related media selections. The selection may come from a variety sources and may be in various forms. Please keep in mind that you may encounter and utilize many of the terms from the first Module in this (and future) Modules, so it would not hurt to review them from time to time. I suggest at least looking over the "Language of Energy and Sustainability" terms and phrases at the ends of each Lesson in Module 1.

You will be presented with multiple themes this week. Pick one theme to analyze. I suggest at least browsing all materials before choosing a theme.

Please note that you will make a Yellowdig discussion board post this week based on the theme you choose.

Note that at the end of the lesson you also have an important assignment due, which is based on your current understanding of issues related to whichever book you choose to read in Module 3. You will base part of your analysis in the following Modules on this submission. Do not forget to do this assignment! It should not take long, as you should not do any reading or other investigation before coimpleting it. It is meant to illustrate your current thinking about these topics, without any additional research. See the Calendar for all due dates.

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • critically analyze claims made in energy- and/or sustainability-related article(s); and
  • analyze information sources that verify or contradict published information.

What is due this lesson?

See the assignment pages for all the specific details.

Lesson 6 Checklist
Requirement Submission Location
Lesson 6 YellowDig Discussion Board post on chosen theme Modules tab > Lesson 6
Lesson 6 Content Analysis: Preliminary Thoughts on Book Topic Modules tab > Lesson 6


If you have any general course questions or questions about this lesson's content, please post them to our HAVE A QUESTION? discussion forum located under the Modules tab. I will check that discussion forum regularly to respond as appropriate. While you are there, feel free to post your own responses and comments if you are able to help out a classmate. If you have a question but would like to remain anonymous to the other students, email me through  Inbox.

If you have something related to the material that you'd like to share, feel free to post to the Coffee Shop forum, also under the Modules tab.