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Quick Facts about GEOG 160
The class that currently uses this website as a required text is:
GEOG 160: Mapping Our Changing World - online and resident sections (3 cr.) A social science general education course required for students pursuing the BA or BS in Geography, offered through University Park campus and other participating Penn State campuses through the Digital Learning Cooperative.
- Instructor: Alan M. MacEachren
- Overview: GIScience is the intersection of professions, institutions, and technologies that produce geographic data and render information from it. It is a rapidly growing and evolving field. Learning is a way of life for everyone who is successful in today’s ever-changing world. With this in mind, we hope that this text may contribute to your lifelong exploration of how geographic information and related technologies that generate it can be used to improve the quality of life--yours and your neighbors', locally and globally, now and in the future.
This course is adapted from the following texts:
Joshua Stevens, Jennifer M. Smith, and Raechel A. Bianchetti (2012), Mapping Our Changing World, Editors: Alan M. MacEachren and Donna J. Peuquet, University Park, PA: Department of Geography, The Pennsylvania State University.
Adapted from DiBiase, David, The Nature of Geographic Information, with contributions by Jim Sloan and Ryan Baxter, John A. Dutton e-Education Institute, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University.