GEOG 260
Mapping Our Changing World



Lab Activity (30 points)

The Lesson 1 Lab Activity is designed to give students a chance to refresh ArcGIS skills that are considered prerequisite for labs in the lessons to come. Your instructor will provide you with a set of access codes for several online courses in the Esri Virtual Campus.The Lesson 1 Lab Instructions will guide you in the selection of specific Virtual Campus courses and will show you how to gain access these courses on the Esri website. The Virtual Campus courses must be completely interactively online, so plan to have Internet access available during the time you have set aside to work on your lab. You will be asked to download data to use in ArcMap on your own computer as part of the online VS course, so your installation of the ArcMap software must be complete before you begin this activity.

Discussion Activity (5 points)

Investigate the requirements for each of the eight professional certifications offered by ASPRS:

  • Certified Photogrammetric Technologist
  • Certified GIS/LIS Technologist
  • Certified Remote Sensing Technologist
  • Certified Lidar Technologist
  • Certified Photogrammetrist
  • Certified Mapping Scientist, GIS/LIS
  • Certified Mapping Scientist, Remote Sensing
  • Certified Mapping Scientist, Lidar

Does your education/experience qualify you for any of these certifications? If not, what would you need to do to become qualified? Which type of certification would be of most interest to you? How do these certifications compare with the GISP offered by the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) and the US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation? Post your response to these questions on the Lesson 1 Graded Discussion Forum.