Assignment 11.1 - Water Footprint Report Part A
Read about water footprints in the Water Footprint Network website. Then, compute your personal water footprint using the Water Footprint Calculator, briefly discuss the results, and comment on whether you would or would not voluntarily change your behavior concerning water consumption, broadly speaking, and if so, how you would accomplish this. Be sure to demonstrate an understanding of the concept of water footprints. Hint: your water footprint includes both direct and indirect water use.
Note: Do NOT include the fraction of your personal water footprint based on industrial goods consumption. This measure is not very accurate, since it uses income as a proxy for consumption of industrial goods. In addition, I do not intend to know your annual income. Therefore, when you describe your water footprint, please discount the footprint attributable to industrial goods consumption.
Assignment 11.1 - Water Footprint Report Part B
Choose a country that is likely to be dramatically affected by global climate change with respect to its freshwater resources. How should this country adapt considering its economy, politics, resources, and global actions? As a leader of this country's water resources agency, what actions would you implement for water conservation? NOTE: The maps on pages 340-341 of the Holden text may suggest which country would be of interest for you to investigate.
Summarize the findings and comments for Parts A and B in a 2-3 page written report that includes the both numeric results of your personal (or family) water footprint and those of the country you've chosen.
Please submit your report using the Assignment 11.1 - Water Footprint Report drop box under Lesson 11 in Canvas. (See the Calendar in Canvas for specific due dates.)
The following rubric will be used to score your assignment.
Description | Full points | Partial points | No points | Points total |
Personal Water Footprint | Results presented and discussed whether or not you would voluntarily change behaviors. | Presented results, but did not discuss whether you would voluntarily change behaviors. And vice versa. | Did not present results nor discuss whether or not you would voluntarily change behaviors. | 5 |
Vulnerable Country Water Conservation | Discussed adaptation strategies and gave specific recommendations on actions for water conservation. | Discussed adaptation strategies, but did not give specific recommendations on actions for water conservation. And vice versa. | Did not discuss adaptation strategies, nor provide specific recommendations on actions for water conservation. | 5 |
Content | Thoughtful narrative overall. Demonstrated an understanding of how choices (at the individual and national level) impact water conservation. | Narrative is thoughtful, but could be more specific. Demonstrated an understanding of how choices (at the individual and national level) impact water conservation. | Narrative is too vague. Does not demonstrate an understanding of how choices (at the individual and national level) impact water conservation. | 10 |
College-level writing | No grammar or spelling mistakes. Content is organized well. | 2-3 grammar or spelling mistakes. Flow and organization of content could be improved. | 3+ grammar or spelling mistakes. Content does not flow and is unorganized. | 5 |
Citations | Included a complete works cited page. All information is in the student’s own words and appropriately cited. | Works cited page is incomplete. Some information is not written in the student’s own words. | Works cited page is incomplete or missing. Most information is not written in the student’s own words. | 5 |