GEOG 486
Cartography and Visualization

Critique #3


Critique #3

Critique #3 will be your second critique involving a peer review. For this critique, you will be reviewing a colleague's map from Lab 4: Color and Choropleth Mapping in Series. During that lab, you put significant thought and effort into classifying your data and applying color - now you will appraise another's work instead of your own. This new perspective is likely to be beneficial to you both while you are writing the critique, and later, when you review the feedback provided to you by one of your peers.

Your assignment includes writing up a 300+ word critique of an assigned classmate’s Lesson 4 Lab (as assigned).

In your written critique please describe:

  • three (3) things you think were done well and why,
  • three (3) suggestions you have for improvement.

As Lab 4 included three map-pair map layouts as the deliverable, the best way to approach this critique is to write about one well-done element and one suggestion for improvement for each pair of maps. You may stray slightly from this format if you are particularly interested in one of the map pairs (layouts), but, please, at least briefly mention all map pairs in your critique.

Your critique should be as much about reflecting upon things well-done as it is about suggesting improvements to be made. In your discussion, you should connect your ideas back to concepts in Lesson Four; you may also reference concepts from earlier lessons where relevant.

Please list the student name of the map you have been assigned at the top of the page.

Grading Criteria

A rubric is posted for your review.

Submission Instructions

You will work on Critique #3 during Lesson 5 and submit it at the end of Lesson 5.

Step 1: Upon notification of the Peer Review (Critique), go to Lesson 4: Lab 4 Assignment. You will see your assignment to peer review. (Note: You will be notified that you have a peer review in the Recent Activity Stream and the To-Do list. Once peer reviews are assigned, you will also be notified via email.)

Step 2: Download/view your classmate's Lab.

Step 3: Write up your critique using the prompts above in a Word document. Be sure to also review the rubric in which you will be graded for Critique #3 for more guidance. Save your Word document as a PDF. Use the naming convention outlined below.

  • YourLastName_LastNameOfClassmateReviewed_Critique3.pdf

Step 4: In order to complete the Peer Review/Critique, you must
- Add the PDF as an attachement in the comment sidebar in the assignment.
- Include a comment such as "here is my critique" in the comment area. 
- PLEASE DO NOT complete the lesson rubric as your review, award points, or grade the map you are critiquing. Even though Canvas asks you to complete the rubric, PLEASE DO NOT COMPLETE THE RUBRIC OR ASSIGN POINTS/GRADE.

Step 5: When you're finished, click the Save Comment button. You may need to refresh your browser to see that you've completed the required steps for the peer review.

Note: Again, you will not submit anything for a letter grade or provide comments in the lesson rubric.
