For your assignment this week, you’ll practice the things you did in the above walkthroughs, this time using your own data.
- Choose a GIS dataset that you’ve been thinking of using in your term project. Upload it into Mapbox as a tileset. If it’s a huge dataset, just clip out a sample for this part. Follow the procedure we used for the lighted areas.
- Create a new dataset in Mapbox and make some data from scratch to accompany the dataset you uploaded. This can be some real data that you want to incorporate in your term project, or a practice dataset that you disregard in later lessons. Follow the procedure we used for the restaurants.
- Select a Mapbox basemap, and make a few style modifications to suit your needs.
- Combine all three of the above layers and display them either in ArcGIS Pro or a web browser as we did in the walkthroughs. If you want to experiment with Mapbox GL, QGIS, or some other client API or app that we didn’t use in the walkthrough, that’s fine as well.
- Produce a written report of about 300 - 500 words describing the following:
- The datasets you selected to meet the above requirements
- The style adjustments you made to the existing Mapbox basemap, and why
- A screen capture of your final map from item 4 inside of a client app like ArcGIS Pro, a web browser, etc. Do not simply show the map inside the Mapbox Studio style editor. The layers from items 1 - 3 above and the client app itself must be visible.
- Any roadblocks you hit and how you got around them