GEOG 871
Geospatial Technology Project Management

Lesson 1 Checklist


Lesson 1 Checklist

Lesson 1 is one week in length (see the Calendar for specific due dates). To finish this lesson, you must complete the activities listed below. You may find it useful to print this page out first so that you can follow along with the directions.

Lesson 1 Activities
Step Activity Directions
1 Reading  Lesson 1 online course content in Canvas
2 Reading Article by Hamil


Croswell Chapter 1 (Sections 1.1 to 1.4) and Chapter 9

Note: Chapter 9 provides an overview of project planning and management topics. Don't worry if you don't fully grasp all of the concepts and methods. We will come back to them in subsequent lessons.

4 Assignment 1, Part 1: Begin report on a project and its fit to an organization’s vision Assignment 1 (Parts 1 and 2) due at the end of Lesson 2
5 Participate in Week 1 Discussion Forum:
  • for full credit, make an original posting and at least one response to a classmate's posting,
  • each post must be a minimum of three sentences.
For this lesson and all subsequent lessons, you are required to enter postings for the Discussion Forum set up for the lesson. This is one way you will communicate with other students and your instructor and present your ideas, examples, agreement, or elaboration of course material, etc.

Suggested topic - Let your classmates know about the worst project you've worked on, and why.