GEOG 497
3D Modeling and Virtual Reality

3.8 SketchUp and Sketchfab


3.8 SketchUp and Sketchfab

Once you have completed your model and would like to proudly share it with the world (non-mandatory), there are again different ways to accomplish that. One of the most prominent platforms for sharing all kinds of 3D models is Sketchfab. The models that you saw earlier in this module, embedded into the course website, are hosted on Sketchfab. Many modelers allow you to use their models in different contexts and Sketchfab is continuously developing ways that will make your models even more accessible such as built-in VR features. We will be using Sketchfab to organize the final submission of this module and to give you an idea of how to share 3D models that you create.

To finalize your modeling assignment, please create a Sketchfab account.