Fundamentals of Atmospheric Science

METEO 300: Fundamentals of Atmospheric Science



Dr. Kevin Bowely, Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science

Course Structure

This course consists of 12 lessons that will be taught over the 15-week fall 2024 semester. Each lesson will take 1-2 week(s) to complete.

Course Meetings

The course is delivered in-residence at the University Park campus in the fall semester. The material is paced throughout the semester to enable you to learn and retain it better.


This course gives students a comprehensive understanding of atmospheric science and the quantitative analytical tools to apply atmospheric science to their own disciplines. It also prepares students with the fundamentals necessary for 400-level meteorology courses by laying a solid foundation in the application of physical, chemical, and mathematical principles to a broad range of atmospheric phenomena. Students are introduced to fundamental concepts and applications of atmospheric thermodynamics, radiative transfer, atmospheric chemistry, cloud microphysics, atmospheric dynamics, and the atmospheric boundary layer. These topics are covered broadly but in enough depth to introduce students to the methods atmospheric scientists use to describe and predict atmospheric phenomena. The course is designed to be taken by second-year meteorology students as well as by students in related disciplines who have an adequate mathematical and physical background.