NGA Advanced Python Programming for GIS, GLGI 3001-1

Overview and Checklist


In this final lesson we will look at creating software applications to give our scripts a means to be used outside of the IDE or command line. This lesson covers ESRI’s script tool, introduces the ArcGIS for .Net SDK (which is beyond the scope of this course and would take another 8 weeks to dive into), Pythons GUI (Graphic User Interface) development PyQT, Open source QGIS, and Jupyter Notebook

Detailed content for this lesson was drastically reduced to keep it manageable and I would encourage you to reference the full 489 course if you are interested in any of the technologies covered. We will wrap up the course with the final assignment that involves you converted one of your previous assignment scripts to a script tool or Jupyter Notebook.  The script you choose to convert will be up to you and you will indicate which one you choose in the Lesson 4 assignment discussion.  Feel free to post any questions you may have to the forum and please help each other out. The more exposure you get to code, the better you will be at coding.

With that, the end is in sight and if you have any questions that were not covered so far, please feel free to ask!

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Operations on data lists
  • Use regex to perform data extraction.
  • Identify the main python packages used for spatial data science.
  • Perform data manipulation using Pandas.

Lesson Roadmap

Steps for Completing Lesson 4
Step Activity Access/Directions
1 Engage with Lesson 4 Content Begin with 4.1 Making a script tool
2 Programming Assignment and Reflection  Submit your code for the programming assignment and 400 words write-up with reflections  
3 Quiz 4 Complete the Lesson 4 Quiz  
4 Questions/Comments Remember to visit Canvas to post/answer any questions or comments pertaining to Lesson 4


The following is a list of datasets that you will be prompted to download through the course of the lesson. They are divided into two sections: Datasets that you will need for the assignments and Datasets used for the content and examples in the lesson.


  • None for lesson!



In this homework assignment, we want you to create a script tool or Jupyter Notebook (using Pro’s base environment).  

You can use a previous lesson assignment’s script, or you can create a new one that is pertinent to your work or interest. If you choose to do the later, include a sample dataset that can be used to test your script tool or Jupyter Notebook and include in your write-up the necessary steps taken for the script tool or Notebook to work.


Produce a 400-word write-up on how the assignment went for you; reflect on and briefly discuss the issues and challenges you encountered and what you learned from the assignment.


Submit a single .zip file to the corresponding drop box on Canvas; the zip file should contain:

  • Your script file
  • Your 400-word write-up


If you have any questions, please send a message through Canvas. We will check daily to respond. If your question is one that is relevant to the entire class, we may respond to the entire class rather than individually.